domingo, 10 de enero de 2010

Chile: Bachelet logra un nuevo récord...


Chile: Bachelet Achieved a new record of approval to two months

Bachelet's approval rose from 77% in November to 81% in December.

The Keys:
  • Bachelet, who is not eligible for a second consecutive term, leaves office next March 11.
  • The finance minister, Andrés Velasco, Minister remains the highest rated, with a percentage of 67%.

Santiago, January 7th, 2010

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, Achieved in December a new historical record in their approval, Which reached 81%, according to a poll released by private enterprise AdimarkWhen only two months before its mandate ends.

The adoption of Bachelet rose from 77% in November to 81% in December, a month that was marked by parliamentary elections and the first round of presidential elections. "The president is heading and to end his tenure with record approval levels never seen in the political history of Chile," said private consultant, who added that only 13% disapprove of the president.

Bachelet, Which is not eligible for a second consecutive term, leaves office next March 11 when he transferred the command to the winner of the presidential elections, the second round held on 17 January. In these elections will face the rightist candidate Sebastian Pinera, who won a 44,03% of votes in the first round and figure frontrunner, and the officer Eduardo Frei, who scored a 29.60%.

The survey Adimark was developed from 1,103 telephone interviews conducted between 4 and 30 December to adult citizens of the country's main urban centers, and has a margin of error of 3% with a confidence level of 95%.

An important factor in the outcome of December is the marked difference between the high evaluation of the president among women (87%) and the more moderate of men (74%), a gap that has expanded throughout 2009 . Overall, according to the consultation, the President is "dear" for 93% of the population, "respected" by 90%, "credible" for 86%, is "capable of dealing with crisis situations" (84%) and has authority (83%) and leadership (79%).

She also keeps the gap between the president and all his government, which receives a 65% approval rating, three points more than in November. The management of the economy remains the best area assessed by the respondents (71%), followed by international relations (69%).

However, the responsibilities of the Executive worst scored citizens to maintain the health management (36%), the transport system of the capital, known as Transantiago (35%), education (33%), control corruption (18%) and fighting crime (11%).

The assessment of economic management in line with the positive assessment receives the finance minister, Andres Velascoor, which remains the highest rated minister, at a rate of 67%, followed by the defense official, Francisco Vidal (53%).

With regard to the legislature, only 23% approved of the work of the Chamber of Deputies and 27% of the Senate. In terms of identification of citizens with political blocs, 22% do so with the ruling center-left Concertación coalition, 19% with the right and 15% with other sectors, while 44% do not feel identified with any .

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